Limiting Oil & Butter to Make Meals Healthier

Oil and Butter Tips and Tricks Blog

When it comes to making your favorite meals healthier, one of the first places to look is at all the oils and butters that are added to the dish. It may not seem like a big amount, but adding the 1-2 tablespoons of oil called for at the start of most recipes, really does add up to the amount of fat in the finished dish. It’s also an easy place to start limiting fat added to a dish, so you can cook what you love, only healthier.

If you’re using a recipe that tells you to add oil or butter to your cooking surface before you cook your meat or vegetables, you can reduce the amount they state in the recipe to only what you will need to keep the food from sticking to the nonstick surface. In the case of your George Foreman grill—even with a bake or griddle plate—you can actually eliminate it all together with almost any food.

This is part of the innovation of our George Tough™ nonstick coating that almost any food can be cooked without the oil or butter usually required to prevent the food from sticking to the hot cooking surface. This way, you can simply place your meat, chicken or even fish and vegetables on the grill plates without oil or butter without having to worrying about tearing the food as you try to remove it once it’s cooked.

Of course, not every cooking surface is a George Tough™ nonstick cooking surface, but even when you’re cooking in a sauté or fry pan, you can apply the same logic—most recipes call for way more oil than you need for the food you’re cooking. Often, 1-2 tablespoons of oil or butter can be reduced to as little as 1-2 teaspoons and you’ll still get great results. If you want to start limiting the oil that you’re adding at the beginning of cooking, try adding 1-2 teaspoons at first; if you need more to prevent sticking, add just a little at a time.